
How To Leverage LinkedIn and generate quality leads?

Leverage LinkedIn For Lead Generation
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      Generating leads can be challenging if there was no LinkedIn because it helps you connect with your desired prospect. Whether it is B2B or B2C, leveraging LinkedIn can generate numerous leads for your business. 

      It is also a platform for graduates who are seeking to get a job. If you have the proper skill set, you can easily track your desired position offers to apply via Linkedin. 

      I think LinkedIn for lead generation can help you network with businesses and marketers worldwide,

      It has evolved tremendously because currently, there are more than 750 million users are using LinkedIn. 

      Crazy right? 

      But the numbers don’t matter; what matters is that you can easily connect with the desired CEO’s, Founders and top-level managers of a specific company with LinkedIn. 

      So if you are looking to leverage LinkedIn to generate leads, then this is the article for you. We’ll be discussing every steps & process for lead generation and more stats about LinkedIn.

      By the end of this article, you will understand how to attract potential customers to your business. 

      What is Linkedin Lead Generation? 

      Linkedin is a social media application used by most of the profession in the business space to generate leads via filtering out their specific targeted clients by various methods. 

      It purely connects businesses, posting articles related to their industry to get traction from top CEO, managers of a specific company.

      Most people tag LinkedIn as a job seeking forum, but there are things that you can do beyond applying for jobs. 

      Linkedin is the best place to get quality leads; that’s more and more B2B companies and professionals find it a powerful resource. 

       The report shows that there are more than 310 million active users monthly all over the world from this social media, which is filled with professional and businesses.

      Unlike other social media that find it, Facebook and Instagram are only for entertainment; that’s why almost everyone has traction on this application to get the best out of it. 

      Why Leverage Linkedin for lead generation?

      Simply, LinkedIn is a social media platform and a platform to connect with the professional and businesses their valuable thoughts and ideas. Profiles from LinkedIn are much more quality than Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. 

      Stats show that 90 million LinkedIn users are senior-level influencers and 63 million are in decision-making positions, and 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content. 

      But if you take other social platforms, you wouldn’t find the stats shown to you.

      Most social media are for youngers and influencers who want to spend their useless; these platforms are more entertainment than professional activities. 

      I would say Twitter is more of semi-social media ( hybrid ), you can find valuable leads that see it, but LinkedIn has the potential to connect with quality clients and businesses. 

      If you still don’t recognise, that LinkedIn marketing would be effective as other social media platform. Then check out the report below to get a better idea,

      Report on B2B marketing

      Few reasons why you should take Linkedin seriously,

      • Better and quality users.
      • Market place to acquire potential customers. 
      • Global network and connections.
      • Most of the users are top-level managers with decision-makers.
      • Efficient LinkedIn ads 

      How to attract leads from LinkedIn?

      There is an excellent way to obtain people from LinkedIn but first and foremost is to have the right mindset that this social media is network people and not to use as entertainment. 

      Users don’t care about your content or post unless you are an influencer or top-level official, but the consistency will get you the reward to attract your connections. 

      How to Attract leads

      1. Make sure to Optimize your LinkedIn profile: 

      It is essential to start with your profile rather than hunting for leads. If you are someone who is seeking professionals, find that find it, jobs. Then you must optimise your profile regarding the industry in which you are working or planning to get a job from a specific sector. 

      When you start optimising your profile, you will get some traction from the LinkedIn search tool, which I will be explaining how it works and how you can leverage that. 

      So by optimising your profile, you get searched from LinkedIn as well as other search engines such as Google and Bing. You will also bring attention when you try to optimise your other social media platform, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., to link and get redirected to your LinkedIn profile. 

      So let’s discuss in-depth, and I will be sharing few images about it,

      How can you optimise your LinkedIn profile?

      It is a simple task; you don’t have to worry too much about it. I will be explaining to you everything you need to do. 

      First, let’s see what you have to do with the primary setting of your LinkedIn profile. Which contains

      • Professional Profile picture
      • Cover picture
      •  Short description of your background 
      • Working status

      For an example, check out my profile below and see how I have enhanced with good structure.

      Screenshot 2021 05 14 at 7.49.56 PM | Digital Razin

      Look at the 4 points I have mentioned above and check the image. 

      1. You must have a professional profile picture so that when any of your prospects visit your profile get a first impression.

      Note: Don’t post a swaggy Instagram photo on Linkedin 😛 

      2. Go to Canva and create a cover picture for your LinkedIn; It is just a 5 mins task. Canva has a beautiful pre-made template, and you can edit the content according to your niche and post on LinkedIn. 


      3. Describe yourself. I mean, what keyword you want to rank on the search bar. If you see my profile, I have mentioned integrated digital marketing, which my niche and I prefer to rank on it.

       In short, you can also explain what you are looking for whether you are planning to get a work. For example, if you are a job seeker, then you must specify what kind of job you are seeking.

      4. Working status can give traction if a person is planning to Recruit or hire prospects from Linkedin. 

      So there are two options in it; you can mention whether you are open to working or hiring someone. Either of the ways, it beneficial for recruiter and job seekers to show up what they are looking for. 

      Linkedin For Lead generation

      Ok, then what’s next? 

      About section:

      In profile summarisation, you need to be elaborate & express what you have been doing in your past and explain what you are working on currently and your plans. 

      These are the few things to be included in your about section,

      • About your in detail 
      • what you have learnt 
      • How you can help them 
      • What you desire 
      • Your interest 
      • Must sure to have a call to action 

      Write at least 200 words minimum and make it more interesting for the readers, and be more specific to have the first impression. Take my about section for example,

      Screenshot 2021 05 15 at 8.33.11 AM | Digital Razin

      Featured Section

      These are the scoring place to get a good impression of your background where you get to feature your achievements, Website, articles, posts, Media and links.

       You can also highlight your certification in your field and there is no limitation in featuring your achievements, therefore try full as much as possible to feature. Make sure the right image size on the feature section. 

      Screenshot 2021 05 15 at 10.17.31 AM | Digital Razin

      2. Connect people from your industry 

      Once you have optimised your profile, it time for your to outreach prospects in your industry to network. It is essential to connect with people from your industry because there are few hidden secrets behind it. 

      Connecting with people is simple but whom you are connecting with is essential here. When you start networking with people who are from the same industry, your content gets more, 

      • Traction
      •  Relevancy
      • Authority in your field.

      And that’s why you must be cautious with your connections.  

      For example, if you are an SEO expert, your most priorities should be connecting people interested in SEO rather than networking with Digital marketing. 

      You can connect with people whose background is digital marketing, but it is too broad, and this might affect your content engagement when they are not interested.

      If you are a job seeker, I would recommend following the top-level managers, CEO and founders of the desired company. When you try to connect with your prospects, don’t forget to send out a personalised invitation. 

      That brings us to the next steps.,

      3. Send a personalised message 

      Most top-level official won’t accept the connection unless you have authority in the same field, but what if you send a personalised invitation like the image below. 

      Screenshot 2021 05 15 at 10.33.07 PM | Digital Razin

      So that they get a good impression to go through your profile and accept your invite, you can mention why you are interested in connecting and explaining how passionate you are in the same field. 

      It has to be short, and please do not write a monotonous text; they might not accept your connection. 

      4. Create engaging content

      Once you started using LinkedIn, you will find people seeking job-seeking marketing and a content-originated platform. If you are someone who doesn’t write content, then it is tough to leverage LinkedIn. 

      People who post content regularly on LinkedIn gets more traction and engage in the comments section.

      It might be different to write initially, but everything has a price to pay, and nothing in this world comes to you quickly. 

      So, it’s better to start writing relevant and valuable content for your followers. You can write something about

      • Latest trend 
      • Fun fact
      • Motivational post  
      • Past story 
      • Current product & service in the market
      • Insightful content with numbers
      • Your experience 

      And so on. There are tons of ideas you can share on LinkedIn that are useful to your audience. People only like and comment when you write decent content, and the most important thing is that please don’t copy other content. 

      Please don’t; it might get you to engage for the short term if you want to sustain for the long run. You have to write on your own to gain traction among your followers.

      You can get inspiration from other content, but don’t copy-paste the same content. 

      Pro Tips:

      Don’t forget to Double-check your spelling and grammar, but you don’t have to worry; you can use Grammarly if your grammar and vocabulary are not excellent.

      It’s free version is all enough for you to write a spectacular content to engage people.

      Linkedin is not like any other social media where you can post general topics with random words; you must ensure to post semi-formal content on LinkedIn to engage with your content. 

      5. Join relevant groups

      Group are primarily dead as a have experienced, but it is beneficial for you to find people with the same interest from your industry. 

      Groups play a significant role when it comes to networking people from the same interest.

      You can get some traction via group, and most of the groups have a lot of top-level officials, but not only that, you get instant updates on something related to your industry. 

      Better to join a group to acquire more quality leads to turn them into your playing customer for your businesses or to network with people. 

      It doesn’t matter whether you are B2B or B2C; you can find quality and potential clients in a group that is similar to your industry. 

      6. Lead the conversion back to your website

      Getting a sale is tough, but what if you use LinkedIn wisely to make your product profitable. Whether it is B2B or B2C, it doesn’t, and I believe there is a term P2P which means ( Person-to-Person ). 

      You have to connect your audience to trust you and what you can do to build a great relationship with them and convert them into your paying customer. 

      Most of the lead generation happens on LinkedIn because you find potential paying clients. So you must focus on getting them to your website by engaging your blog, offering a product via a landing page.

      You can also link your personal or company’s official website to redirect them to visit your website in the LinkedIn profile section. 

      It is better to have a professional website.

      Suppose you are planning to built personal branding via any of the social media. , It gives you the credibility that you have an experience because when you have a website. 

      You show them what you are, and you do, so that’s why you need to convert them to your website.  

       7. Maintain a consistency 

      Finally, when you do all of the things above. You will start seeing some attraction from your audience, but what is more important is that you need to be consistent in posting and engaging with people. 

      The more you present yourself, the better your results. 

      Sometimes, you might not get the traction you are looking for, and you can’t expect people to talk to you. 

      It takes time, and you need to be consistent; if not, your reach won’t be that great because LinkedIn wants to show content to people who have an engaging post.

      As mentioned above, you will have tons of ideas to share as you start becoming consistent in a particular task. 

      Tools to use for Linkedin lead generation 

      You have numerous tools that you can use but be specific on your goal so that you can choose the right tools to nurture your prospects and followers. 

      Lead generation can vary, but you can choose a few of the tools from down below, 

      • Snov.io
      • Crystal
      • Linkedin Sales Navigator
      • Yet Another Mail Merge
      • GMass

      Check out my top 15+ essential tools to use for lead generation to better understand the tools. I have briefly explained, so don’t forget to check out.

      Frequently Asked Question:

      is Linkedin good for B2B lead generation?

      Obviously, Linkedin one of the best social platform for B2B lead generation because it has more than 750 million users. The best part is that you can easily connect with the CEO, CTO, HR or any other leveller officials via LinkedIn. 

      You can have a quick review of your buyer’s persona, whether he/she potential clients or not. The report says that there are more than 51M companies are listed on Linkedin which huge.

      What Is Linkedin Lead Generation Ads?

      In Linkedin ads, you can collect the information of your prospect by a lead magnet. It can be a free webinar, E-books, course and so on.

      There are tons of stuff you can do to get their data basically the name, email id and phone number of your prospects. you can use the information to send a cold email, newsletter and course offers and discounts.

      How can i outreach people on linkedin?

      There are many ways to outreach with people from the same industry, you can quickly use the LinkedIn search bar and filter out the specific persona you are looking for.

       When you are networking with people make sure to have a personalized message for them, you can change the text according to the prospects. 

      You can get traction when you have a personalized message because every prospect will look for a reason to accept your invitation. 

      Even if they don’t accept your invitation then you can send them a follow message.

      Final Thoughts 

      If you have come all the way here then, you must have some understanding, and LinkedIn is one powerful platform for lead generation, especially B2B and who individual wants to build a personal brand.

      Once you start working on optimising, creating valuable content, and engaging with people, you will begin seeing traction from LinkedIn. Make sure to have a solid-state mind if you are an individual who is building personal branding. 

      If your focus on generating quality leads, then make your funnel strong enough to get your prospects to paying customers. Using LinkedIn as a lead generation is efficient, and you get better and quality results for sure.

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      About Author
      Picture of Mohamed Razin
      Mohamed Razin

      Razin is a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Consultant, Web Designer, and Investor who helps businesses & startups to boost their sales and reach more customers in the digital platform. Read his blog to learn Digital Marketing, Online Business & Entrepreneurship.

      About Author
      Mohamed Razin
      Razin is a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Consultant, and Web Designer who helps businesses & startups to boost their sales and reach in the digital platform. Read his blog to learn Digital Marketing, Online Business & Entrepreneurship.

      2 thoughts on “How To Leverage LinkedIn and generate quality leads?”

      1. Avatar photo

        Thank you for describing how we can take advantage of LinkedIn to generate leads in detail.
        Your blog is very informative, I learnt how to optimize my profile. Now I can expect few CTA taking place on LinkedIn platform.
        Thanks for listing all the tools associated with LinkedIn, without these tools it is really difficult to achieve without these tools.
        If you can put figures of your success it will be more exciting.
        I came across a line that is not in sync with my thoughts
        It might be different to write initially, but everything has a price to pay, and nothing in this world comes to you quickly.
        IT should be difficult instead
        Thanks again

        1. DigitalRazin Picture

          Thank you so much for your brief comment, i am glad you liked my article. I have noted the points that have mentioned to improve my content writing style and show insight about me 🙂 👍

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